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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I’d argue that for a small business a static site might be better unless it’s a managed Drupal/WordPress instance. Too much involved in hosting a public-facing website, CMS and database for most small business operators. They just want to set it and forget it at minimal cost to them (including the cost of time)

It certainly didn’t take long to spot servers like that on fedidb! I wonder what is causing people to make those? Load testing? Spam farm? Social experiment to see if people will sign up to an empty instance? Trying to setup an automated simulated social network like people joked reddit was where everyone is a bot except for you?

I think the most realistic answer is that they’re test instances either by a tech company that believes they have a path to monetize a fediverse project or by some kind of spam farm, but the lack of any posts is still positively weird

I keep saying that it’s wild living in the future!

…usually related to something amazing happening in space travel or AI but I suppose the fediverse can join that list

I think the upvote/downvote system just allows for a larger community before it becomes too big to be a good community