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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


I commented on the last post about this, the three stars are difficult to make out on a small screen, they look like a blurry capital A. On top of that, it’s apparently used in astronomy to represent clusters of stars, like a constellation.

The whole point of this campaign appears to be to replace a unique symbol with one that’s already in use and is hard to read at small sizes 🤷🏻‍♂️

Like others have said, I’d recommend a mirrorless camera over a DSLR, especially if you’re taking photos of kids. I’ve recently switched from a Pentax k-x DSLR to a Sony a6000 mirrorless. One of the main reasons I switched was for the burst speed of a mirrorless.

This means that if the kids are running around like lunatics, I can set the burst mode to high, and it takes 11 photos a second, for a bit over two seconds. I’ve got a much higher chance of catching them with their eyes open, or not pulling a face as they’re moving, and so on. With a decent sized memory card you can take thousands of photos, and just delete the ones you don’t like.

The camera is a lot lighter too, and the lenses can be smaller, so they’re easier to carry and to use hand held.