Who doesn’t like pizza?
Detroit style pizza ride or diester.

                                    PIZZA TO THE GRAVE!

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


yes, it is the source from which I derive my pizza authority.

Try it sometime! It’s not for everyone but it’s a real Michelangelo style ninja slice!

Ok, controversial question. Do you ever play with fire and sub in the ever dreaded anchovy? Spicy, salty, sweet and umami?

Ok, just making sure. I’ve met people that enjoy under cooked pizza and bread sticks and I’ve come to realize that they all tend to suck outside of just their choice of gross pizza. Like who the fuck orders underdone pizza that you plan on sharing?

Deep dish is awesome and you go with like a spinach, mushroom, onion and garlic… What a pie!

That a spicy one for sure. What’s the combo then? I need to know what else to pair with that sweet ol pineapple.

Hmm, does that mean you’re also going soft not crispy pizza?

Jalapenos with the pineapple is so stupidly good. You get bacon on there and then it’s like the crossroads of heavenly flavors. It’s not a pizza for the meek.

It’s a five gallon hat wearing, tambourine hand flailin, tastebuds up the wall wailin, genuine taste sensation!

Erotic pizza talk aside, look up recipes for making pizza in a cast iron skillet. Some of the best pizza you’ll ever have and it takes very little effort once you get the motions down. Treat yo self!

Some say it was a fault, I say it was my sweet and spicy pleasure.

This ain’t your fathers pizza coitus, jack! EXTREME!!!

Obligatory pizza related chime in. You fuck with jalapenos on that sexy pineapple pizza?