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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Do you often accuse women of being dickheads who are part of misogyny? Or are you just using a pathetic excuse to pretend you didnt read the next paragraph? Grow up. It’s the Internet. Nobody is going to remember that you were silly.

Weird, you assume I’m a man.

I am, but then again on the Internet I could be anyone I want to be. I could tell you I manage a software dev team that is majority female. What’s the point? I could also tell you I’m Ada fucking Lovelace risen from the crypt.

Skill with a computer has nothing to do with sex or gender. It’s almost entirely down to experience and exposure at an age when you’re willing to break things and learn from it - or capturing that attitude at whatever age.

What a nonsensical, vote-baiting statement. Why should either sex be better at using a computer?