I live an increasingly confusing double life as TeaHands the game dev, and TheGiddyStitcher, multicrafter extraordinaire!

Currently working on my first ever commercial indie game, a minimalist city builder.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Congrats! I’m just learning Godot as well, game dev is harder than it looks and it’s totally worth celebrating the baby steps 🥳

feddit.uk is all primarily UK stuff, I think there are Australia and NZ instances too.

Personally as a British person I hope to avoid as much UK news on here as possible so it’s nice of them to keep it mostly to one instance (big exception for UK content is UKCasual on .world, it’s nice having that hosted away from all the politics etc on .uk)

I believe there’s a more recent instance positioning itself as gaming themed but the name is escaping me, might be searchable on lemmyverse. Update: it was lemmy.zip

My other account is mostly concerned with crafts, so a craft focused instance would’ve been nice. But it’s sort of already too late as small communities for various niche hobbies are becoming established and trying to disrupt that just for the sake of tidiness seems silly.

Once we have some kind of community grouping feature I think this will be even more of a non-issue than it already is.