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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Yes of course, that’s precisely why I told OP what I said. Thanks for spelling it out for them though! That’s a lot of good info

Well, I meant it quite literally. We certainly don’t have a Bill of Rights or anything related. The Terms of Service are rules we must not break, but technically there are no rules protecting us from the admins of the site. We sure are free to leave, but we are not “free” to protest in any way we see fit. So we are at the mercy of the admins if we wish to stay on this site.

There are some posts you don’t need to troll on. These include admin posts about server updates. I understand your stance against it, and dare say I agree with it wholeheartedly, but they are our dictators on this forum.

So while I’m all for flipping off a cop and saying fuck the system, you must admit we don’t have the same rights here as we would in a society.

TL;DR: Them’s the rules.