Together we can build something that was lost to company execs, shareholders and capitalism.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Key difference is that Bitcoin people want/need their numbers to go up,up,up as a measure of success.

Nah, you’re making the mistake of only paying attention to bitcoin short term when the price goes up, so you only perceive people who get in short term while the number goes up.

They only copy posts afaict. I subscribed to some of their communities but unsubscribed rather quickly as the post feed without comments usually has little value.

I see. Yeah, it should be possible to federate/distribute that I guess.

I have multiple accounts, but after a few days I stopped using all except one. Not sure what would be the point of using all of them. As for identity, as long as you want to have a verifiable identity you should use some external independent mechanism, anything hosted can’t be trusted. E.g. GPG signatures on your profile if you’re somewhat technical.