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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


in any case i think this should be up to the individual server or client to decide, i don’t want to see a hardcoded limit to the amount of tags.

yeah let me just spend an hour every day blocking things to have a usable timeline

Well yeah, but then why doesn’t the US just do things on a state-by-state basis and accomplish the same things? This is a very strange argument to me.

Like yeah sure sweden is smaller but that… doesn’t matter? In the end all this argument ends up saying is that america is incompetent, which i don’t feel like that’s what you want to say.

Case in point: the northeast corridor (washington DC through NYC to boston) has FIVE TIMES THE POPULATION OF SWEDEN, twice the population of all the nordic countries combined! And yet two day shipping is some impressive feat for amazon to pull off? It should be utterly trivial with that many people living ontop of each other!

It’s definitely not a thing in sweden, they came here a few years back and everyone just laughed and carried on business as usual.

Then they tried to automatically translate all listings and that’s probably the best advertisement they could have made because people laughed themselves insensate over how mind-bendingly bad the translations were, and then a week later people promptly forgot that amazon exists again.

2-day delivery is pretty much standard here in sweden lol, no matter where you buy things (so long as they’re domestic)

Especially considering that they made gitter into a matrix client, and several IRC servers are easily available.

Oh so that’s why there seems to be less content in my feed than normal?