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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 19, 2024


How could I forget. VCAs!!!

They aren’t just for audio. You can send an envelope to activate an LFO periodically. Or an LFO to make an envelope have choppy behavior. You can send audio into your audio and do Amplitude Modulation. You can use logic gates to create small pockets of sequence bursts. Intellijel Quad VCA is great. Doepfer octa vca is even better for CV. VCA is required for any generative patching

Old thread revival, you’ve probably already came up for a solution so this is for future people most likely.

  1. Most systems benefit from a function generator. Make Noise Maths is the obvious choice, followed by Befaco Rampage. Both are based on the Serge Dual Slope Generator with some extra utilities. Even if you don’t use it for envelopes, you can make complex LFOs with ease.

  2. Attenuverters are dope! Intellijel Triplatt gives you three plus cv mixing capability. Even if your modules have built in attenuators or attenuversion, it’s just nice to have. Especially if the can generate an offset voltage.

  3. Switches are nice to send the same modulation to many sources, or many modulations to one source. I’m partial to ALM Boss Bow Two

  4. Distortion is a tough one. I liked the Saevitus tube distortion modules but Noise Engineering and Schlappi both make great distortions that are solid state. It’s tough to dial in usable distortion, the cleaner the source the better it will sound.

  5. Random modulation is pretty spicy, the Make Noise Wogglebug is the patricians choice. The Buchla Source of Uncertainty is the classic though, fucking amazing module. I’m just partial to Wiard, hence my affinity to the Wogglebug.

  6. A ton of your needs can be fixed with Pam’s Pro Workout, or even a used Pam’s New Workout. Triggers, LFOs, Envelopes, Random/Slewed Random, Logic, euclidian rhythms, humanizing, quantizing. It’s probably the best digital module ever made, atleast the best clock period. A decent choice for a dedicated clock is the make noise tempi. In a pinch, squarewave LFO and a clock divider. Doepfer makes both and they kick ass.

  7. A filter would do well with your set up. QPAS or SSD Stereo Dipole are incredible, but even a simple State Variable Filter or two will help tame some harsh frequencies at worst and sound shape at best.

Anyways, this is my take.