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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’m not sure how they implemented it either but it must be tricky (or maybe it’s easy to implement but hard to make it fast?) if Hugo still doesn’t have support for it. I did a search in the Zola repo on github for “backlink” and these are the files that showed up.

You have to link pages using the Zola way (starting with a @/), and all pages and posts have to live under the /content/ folder. So if you had page1.md and page2.md and wanted to link from one to the other, in page2 you’d have [Page 1](@/page1.md). On page2 you’d see the normal link, and on page1 you’d see that page2 links to it.

Does it / will it support internal backlinks? That’s the reason why I switched from Hugo to Zola.