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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 05, 2023


The filters and music are certainly doable.
I’m not sure the endless scrolling is something that should be emulated.

It’s only mostly broken. And mostly broken means slightly working!

As I said, I agree with the literal facts. The implications in your phrasing I disagree with.

Instead of unfounded, I would call it unproven.
Instead of scaremongering I would say warning.
And generally I avoid using absolute terms like “all”, since only it takes one counter example, to make such a statement factually wrong.

Yes! That is most literally true!

People doubt the face value benign intension of Meta with regard to the Fediverse.

Which leaves uncertainty of their real intention.

Naturally causing fear of a self interested malicious intention.

Which all seem to be quite reasonable concerns, given Meta’s market position and history.

Anything posted to “Social Media” in any way, I consider public. If you want privacy, you need something that’s directly one to one at least, ideally E2EE.

It depends on the details.
What exactly does “tags” mean here?

Are we talking about unrestricted hashtags that can be added to any post or comment? Hard pass.

Kinds of flags or categories that can be created by mods, and used by members, to identify certain kinds of posts in a community? That would be a great idea. Things can be labeled as [meme] [serious] [question] [advice] [discussion] [rant] [whatever works for that specific community].