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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Please feel free to reread my initial comment, in which I refer to the US government in general, which would encompass both the SSA and the White House.

Your first sentence alone is a convoluted mess. My entire point is that the SSA website inexplicably has operating hours. Those hours are posted on their website. That’s all.

It makes no sense security-wise, as more complexity leads only to more weak points. The government has no business being concerned about profits.

I’m reluctant to take software development advice from a government that thinks websites need to shut down outside of business hours.

500 | Internal Server Error

I want to hear more about this famous Internet named Kevin :(

Transparency should be preceding or in parallel, not an afterthought. This is not acceptable.

If that’s the case, then they should be open and honest about it. We’re back where we were before with the one-sided, spurious, and uncommunicated defederation decisions.

I asked “why,” not “who” or “how.” “Various things” is the vaguest possible answer you could have given.

Why would user IPs be stored?

Damn, I learned a new word today and I’m not even out of bed yet. That’s a good one!