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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Fair point. I know that I donโ€™t have the answers. I do think that admin actions need to be more stringently scrutinized. Maybe something like a โ€œsudoโ€ model where your a normal acct 99% of the time and admin actions require a temporary elevation.

I mean. You could still be a normal user and have a separate admin account.

I get your point. But itโ€™s a huge risk.

I still wouldnโ€™t use the admin account as my daily driver. Leave it open in another browser/private tab specifically to perform admin actions (as noted) but not for browsing/posting/community modding. I understand how thatโ€™s a pain but given how early days we are with this platform and the high probability of more issues surfacing, itโ€™s a necessary pain.

Iโ€™d really like to see the devs add some tools to mitigate future risk and further protect admin accounts. The least of which being that admin actions require stronger validation than a browser side cookie, and frequent re-validation to perform admin actions.

Agreed. Iโ€™m pointing it out in hopes that becomes one of the takeaways of this incident.

(Unrelated, why are you marked at a bot account?)

I donโ€™t pretend to know the demographics of lemmy server admins, but my gut says itโ€™s predominantly hobbyists and devops types, rather than grizzled system admins.

It seems to me that the scope of this could have been mitigated with a simple privilege separation policy for admin server accounts but I see a lot of (what looks like) server admins using that account as their daily driver.

Also, lemmy-ui should post a security advisory to their github.