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@melroy It’s good you’ve worked out the channels are groups / magazines. Sadly I’m not a coder myself so can’t really help on that part, my main goal is spread the word of the Fediverse as a user as well as try and see areas where we can improve as I feel as a user it’s good to see what we might ‘need’ on these amazing platforms like Mbin.
@debounced eventually I’ll work out how to create my own instance but amazing to know that it is simple to migrate if I had a Kbin instance.
@Ashyr Yes most of this is correct, from what Ernest has mentioned he has taken a step back due to personal issues in his life, he’s an amazing developer and glad he made Kbin. The Mbin developers are further alone and have already created an API as well as fixed a lot of bugs, glad to be on board and hope Ernest is feeling better soon.
@ReedLindwurm The Fork was created as there’s a few things that the community of Kbin don’t enjoy as well as the creator of Kbin has had some personal issues as of late and has publicly said they won’t be able to work on the project for a bit. Also Kbin has had a lot of errors and slowdown as of late what Mbin has and is working on fixing regularly what is really nice.
@yogthos I’ve been really enjoying Mbin myself, have submitted a post about PeerTube not being supported and people have been talking about it and I love that they didn’t just shut the idea down straight away. Glad to be here and slowly moving everything I can across.
As of the moment I use Wordpress for my website but it’s not the best for the Fediverse at the moment and a lot of work needs to be put into it to allow posting across the whole Fediverse as I can’t access my posts on Kbin / Mbin what sucks. I really think that POSSE / The Fediverse is the next step for the Internet and I can’t wait to be able to handle my own data more closely to the point I’m looking into hosting my own server in my home for all the Videos, Posts and Data that I know I will love to put out there.
Thank you for sharing that amazing Article.
No luck my end