Web: rxbrad.com

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


One nice thing about smaller instances… Fewer people to bully the admin into constantly defederating the Monster of the Week.

It seems like the bigger the instance, the more posts you see like this.

Even DISALLLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED_API_ACCESS can be easily bypassed by creating a client that logs into mastodon.social (for example), and just gobbles up the Federated feed.

It’s what the FediBuzz relays are now doing in order to keep single-user instances viable and not funnel everyone to the same 3 instances.

Unfortunately, if Meta wants to be shitty, they’ll be shitty. Even stuff like robots.txt & nofollow tags are just polite requests that can be ignored by shitheads.

If all you’re looking for is eloquence and footnotes, this person in this post’s comments already has you covered…


You can follow @user@instance or @community@instance on Mastodon. But you just get blasted by every post and comment, one by one, in unthreaded CHRONOLOGICAL order.

So while you can do it, the question is… should you?

Without jumping through flaming hoops, though… does the “Threads” tab really ever talk to the “Microblog” tab? (aside from your kbin account being able to interface with both)

(I do find it funny that kbin’s “Threads” is their Lemmy/Reddit-like, and not their Mastodon/Threads/Twitter-like)

Technically. Yes.

But doing so is onerous enough that I can’t see it as any sort of “threat”.

And again… Defederating does absolutely zero to restrict Meta from being able to access your info. Defederating means you don’t see Meta. It doesn’t block Meta from seeing you.

You don’t even need to dip your toes into ActivityPub to scrape most of the data. It’s public – aside (I think) from just user IP addresses on Mastodon. And in the case of Lemmy, I don’t think there’s anything you can’t access from outside of ActivityPub.

For all the fucks’ sakes, people.

Yes, Meta sucks. But at least get your shit together before you all start falling over each other to say how these ToS changes mean that Zuck has now given birth to Time Travelling Baby Hitler or some shit.

Meta says, for Threads to federate, they access the same data any instance does when it federates.

And as far as LEMMY.world defederating from Threads… LEMMY. That’s like saying Twitter (or W, or whatever the hell it is now), shouldn’t put Facebook posts in its timeline. Threads is a Mastodon concern. Not Lemmy.

🤦‍♂️ Ya fuckin’ tinfoil hat nerds. I love you all. But God damn.

You can. But if your app only checks every 5 minutes, it kind of defeats the purpose.

I don’t know, for sure, how Mastodon notifications work. But it seems like Tooot (not totally sure if it was this app or a different one) tried to make me jump through some special hoops to do the best approximation it could of true push notifications.

Does Mastodon have realtime push notifications? Seems like that would be vital for something like this.

I thought most of the apps have scheduled polling.