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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Thanks, sounds like a good idea. I’ll definately try that.

Some great food for thought - and some ideas that I hadn’t considered before - esp. about the mood I’m trying to convey.

Your comments about taking lots of photos makes good sense - with a few batteries and a couple of sd cards, I could take hundreds of photos - and maybe if I see one that I like, I can return to explore more of the same.

Many thanks for the great tips.

Any tree photography ideas please?
This is an area of Photography I really struggle with. So I'm interested to learn if anyone has any good tips for capturing photos of trees. It's winter here in the UK and most of the trees are now leafless. Grateful for any thoughts.

Can you repost it when you finish it? Should look good.

Wasn’t being critical of the horizon - you might have been on a hill.

I like the moody look you caught - looks like a storm brewing. My only observation is the horizon line doesn’t look straight - was that your intention?