Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2020



Because .world is run by the worst kind of epic redditeurs you could possibly imagine

Oooh, gimme that eco-fascism baby :che-poggers:

On Lemmy, admins follow their feelings. On Reddit, people may have a lot of feelings, but the proletariat administration intern has had feelings beaten out of them, and they more often end up following the rules.

Oh boy.

The way Reddit operates is soulless and horrible and capitalist, but… soul is where hatred comes from. You’re less likely to find that in the workings of an unfeeling machine.

Wow. You should probably consider the possibility that our “feelings” are actually a major part of what makes us human.

Your username is really weird, and your comments are sus. Check the modlog.

Come to Hexbear! We love our trans neurodivergent comrades, we’re super political all the time, and we have way thicker skin

Yes, this. marx-hi

90% of the active users on that instance are refugees from r/196 so no surprise that it has turned to shit.

Leave it to vaushites to ruin literally anything they come in contact with.