Trying to find a space in the fediverse by trying it from different networks:


  • 2 Posts
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 21, 2023


Actually created an account on there a few days ago, so will try that, but wasn’t able to find a beehaw post when testing earlier…

What I would like most is if I can create one ActivityPub account and use it on every ActivityPub service. This for me would be a perfect solution, because then I could use any app using a single account.

This is exactly it, this is what it sounded like when doing research about the Fediverse online. So perhaps that is the thing, but one user said that they can connect to all of them from Friendica. That’s the thing, it’s just to follow them, not create new PF or PT or Kbin posts from say Mastodon or Friendica. Posts can be done on one’s chosen instance, but the following would be so much more streamlined if it could be done from one place. :-) :-)

That’s strange, as having tried Kbin, Mastodon, IceShrimp, etc. and a lot of times want to comment on other instances, like Beehaw an hour or so ago. And only Friendica was able to see it and interact.


Sorry. Perhaps the thoughts were not clear, but have watched a lot of videos and even Wikipedia makes it seem like they are all social networks and that one can follow / post / reply on the other networks:

It isn’t about following everything and everyone, but about not wanting to have a Pixelfed account to follow a photographer, or not needing a Lemmy account to follow interesting topics, or not needing a Mastodon account to follow a blogger / writer. It is perhaps then a bit oversimplified on the “intro to the fediverse” videos / posts that’s been seen on the web. Was hoping to have one single account on any of the above, and then just interact from there, and not needing an account for every single one of them.


Prove it wrong: the fediverse is not as connected as we're told, and it's splintering even more now.
This is what makes the Fediverse so frustrating, been using: #Kbin #FireFish #Mastodon #Friendica #IceShrimp #Lemmy. And no, they don’t speak to one another / find one another or are able to follow / like / reply to one another as one is told the Fediverse works. The truth: some speak to some, and it rarely works both ways. Eg. Mastodon can do a lot more interacting with Lemmy, but not the other way around. And then there are those that defederate from their own kind / federated social network, splintering the Fediverse even further apart. Have had to either join new servers + delete current accounts, just because the server that was suggested, happened to be a server that others chose to defederate with. Now with many accounts + many instances, been trying to find the best place to just have one space in the Fediverse + be able to communicate, follow and interact with other Fediverse users. Maybe it’s this is wrong, but this has been the experience for almost a year now. **EDIT: APOLOGY** Seems like there are multiple posts, that was not the intention. :-( English isn’t first language. Was trying to do the “change my mind” meme format they use on other sites to ask someone to prove you wrong, which is what was hoped for. Apologies again. This makes no sense, really sorry. Made a post and when looking for it, it just showed nothing. Look here is a screenshot of my personal feed. It only shows the comment on a fediverse post, which I then created into a stand-alone post, in hoping someone would be able to explain or prove me wrong. And I can’t even go and delete the posts, as when looking inside the posts on my profile, it shows nothing either. REALLY sorry for the multiple posts, thought the app was bugging out. :-( Really sorry. Will check on laptop to see if I can find and delete the multiple posts from there… ![]( ![](

Thanks for explaining! Trying it now on their test instance and it is super slow. Looks great, but can’t see text when typing, won’t post. :-(

Probably very early days. (On iOS using safari)

Please forgive if this sounds ignorant, but is this a tool to install on servers to create your own version of a federated app, like Lemmy / Mastodon / Pixelfed?

Or is this completely new, other social network, like a standalone social network of itself, like a Lemmy / a Mastodon / a Peertube?

Still trying to grasp the fediverse concepts.

Help please: one Fediverse app / social network to follow others + upload bulk keywords?
Hi everyone, Not sure if it’s possible, but would like to know if there is something like this: 1. Can one use just one app / social network to follow the other Fediverse social networks? 2. And if so, does any app / social network allow for bulk loading a list of keywords to use for blocking. (Everything seems to allow to only insert one word at a time….???) Have had other Fediverse social accounts in the past, but the splintering and keywords issue always becomes a mission. Very surprised that even Twitter / X also only allows one word at a time. Instagram, Facebook and Threads allow for bulk loading with commas, which is also great. EDIT: Added: Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but assume some of you might be on other Fedi networks as well? ANY help would be greatly appreciated. NOTE: using an iPhone, so Android apps won’t work unfortunately. :-(