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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I don’t feel that reiterating is helping you, or anyone really. Good luck figuring your shit out.

You sound like you’ve some things to work through, and I’m sorry for your experiences. Maybe somewhere down the line you’ll reach a point of understanding, but right now you’re speaking from pain and fear. Good luck, neighbor.

Ah, yes, the easy out; keep it superficial, and avoid looking at the issues leading up to this and so many other scenes just like it.

Keep it simple for us simple folk in the poor seats; give us someone to cheer for, but most of all give us someone to hate. Together. That way, we can’t possibly see the thin line that separates us and that same fate.

I genuinely hope you find more compassion once the busted shoe’s on the other foot, neighbor.

Your reply couldn’t be further from the truth, little bootlicker.

That’s right, pigs. Do your corpo masters’ bidding. Chase shoplifters, shoot minorities and houseless and mentally challenged and pregnant women.

Same as it ever was.


It’s called clarification, my apologies.

I rewatched an old but good video on the war on drugs.

It’s not “good”, it’s rife with insinuation, mischaracterization, and propaganda. It did not age well.

And it reminded me… the best thing we can do against drugs and crime is to focus on the demand side.

According to what authority/study, exactly?

We legalized the drugs, but didn’t do the more important half of that solution, treatment and services for the drug users.

Citation needed.

So, why aren’t we doing more?

Who is “we” and when did you acquire the finger-pointing position?

Who dropped the ball?

Unsupported insinuation.

Are we doomed to just keep throwing more law enforcement at the problem?

“Doomed”? Really? And, no one “throws” police at any problem around here that the pigs don’t want to be “legally” beating the shit out of/shooting at already. See: aforementioned interview.

Downvote all you want, neighbors. Get out there and DO something instead of whinging online.

  1. The “war on drugs” was always a front for corruption and criminality from its very conception, and never were any of the consequences “unintended” as the narrator suggests. Furthermore, a “world without drugs” is such an outright stupid statement that it all but entirely devalues the rest of the video, and that was only 43 seconds in.

  2. Law enforcement in Portland is >82% non-local, and the leadership has been quoted admitting on-record that presence and response were decreased in order to show the city government that the police force “deserves more money”. Yes, that is correct: our own police bureau attempted to shake down the very community they’re employed to work in.

  3. Instead of passing the buck and whining, ask yourself these questions. Why aren’t you doing more? When’s the last time you personally sought out organizations to volunteer with? What have you looked up in your local library, etc. to educate yourself on the topic recently? Are we doomed to continue shaking our fists at the sky from the safety of our fenced yards?

GTFO here with this inflammatory cowardice. Engage with your community, stop acting like a terrified Republican stooge.

“Portland” police are largely non-local (IIRC >80%), and that’s compounded by the leadership purposefully lessening coverage in a shitty attempt to “show” City Hall they deserved more money, respect, etc. The latter was recently admitted in an interview, FFS. 🤦🏼‍♂️

ACAB. Fuck the police, but especially these assclowns here

They also have a genetic predisposition towards territorialism, and canine aggression.

Citation needed.

Yes, yes, houselessness is squarely their fault. What a stroke of privileged genius.

What is this propagandist bullshit? All this “good news” is simply further normalizing local police as corpo militia, not defenders of the public & keepers of the peace (which was always a lie we chose to swallow for too long). Stop trying to make people think police are the good guys. It’s not going to happen.

p.s. No. Downvoting your trash post is not “killing this already small community”, your efforts at astroturfing for the corporate interests (who aren’t even local, btw, much less members of this community and we owe them no fealty/respect whatsoever) are suitably being given the finger, so quit whining and take your just desserts.

The thing is? You’ve told us who you are, time and time again. We get it. Now, shut the fuck up and keep your little man fears to yourself, please. The adults are actually trying to do something worthwhile.