Bit-breaker working in cybersecurity/IT. Only languages I know are English and Programming ones.

Sometimes I write things about technology.

If I told you the SHA256 for this sentence starts with 'c, 5, four, a, and a', would you believe me?

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 12, 2022


Java and gradle build is way easier (IMO) than trying to wrangle the dep and build steps of everything react/node/rust based.

You’re not, paid, for, your efforts? Seems to be a misleading statement.

When we talk about Open Source, we’re not just talking about code. We’re talking about a way of approaching software, of designing it, developing it, distributing it, spreading it, making it something that benefits everyone. So being a developer in this context means thinking of software as a common good and then contributing means making it better and if by better we mean more useful, more accessible, more secure, more powerful, more stable and easier to use, then it’s clear that we are not just talking about writing code.

It doesnt really matter what you want. The software is open source so anyone can use the software freely.

the Fediverse may not be for you. You’re probably better off over some place else,

Just going to leave this here. Pretty sure this user knows about the fediverse quite a bit more than you’re assuming.

Hubzilla and the zot protocol are a really promising alternative to ActivityPub, just not as much traction.

Thanks for the insight and well thought out response. I’ll think on it.

There is a stark difference between closing an issue and actually resolving the problem. You’re right; lots of those issues are closed. The identified problems remain and don’t go away merely because you close an software repo issue on it.

Yet this comes across as criticizing their project for what they’ve always said it was, while using said project to do so. Just a bit boggling.

No I’m criticising the Developers complaint that there’s only a few active developers for Lemmy, and the rest of you freeloaders don’t contribute and code.

The number of people who understand Rust, can code in it, know of Lemmy and want to contribute is very few. There would be More developers contributing to Lemmy if it weren’t written in Rust.

because the small number of developers can’t keep pace with issues.

Maybe there’d be plenty more devs if it wasn’t written in a new, up and coming, difficult language to understand let alone master. Maybe there’d be more code contributions if existing ones weren’t closed because you don’t see this being an issue. Maybe there’d be more developers if you’d let there be.