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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


So far just Lemmy world and Lemmy Ml. Reset password seems broken for all lemmy not just those instances. Here’s hoping I don’t forget this password to.

You forgot “Fuck Cars”. Just buy a bike you prick. It’s only a 15 mile trek down a gravel road with no sidewalk.

“I can’t believe how selfish you are.”

“Just move”

“Everyone should live in this very tiny city that has good public transportation”

“Just don’t have kids so you won’t need to transport them” (Even if you already have them. Just go back in time and don’t because cars are bad. O K.)

Password reset is broken. I can’t get back into any of my accounts as a so I have to either lurk, or make a new one every time.

Soon enough this one will die, and Lemmy will lose yet another “another active user”.