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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


I wouldn’t worry too much about shutter wear - they’re rated really highly, so while it is wear, I don’t know that you’d realistically ever encounter an issue unless you were using the same body for tons and tons of work, and not replacing it for a very long time.

In my experience, the tradeoff is more “rolling shutter problems” vs “the loud noise of the shutter click”. There are times and places where the shutter click can ruin moments, be outright forbidden, or will distract people. There are others where fast motion is occurring and the rolling shutter is an issue.

To me it’s more of a question of “do I need to be silent? Then I need to use electronic”. But if not, I may as well use electronic front/physical rear or just both physical. I think the “electronic front or mechanical front” is the more tricky question. I just don’t use full electronic unless really necessary because I’m more worried about ruining shots than I am about my camera lasting 20+ years.

Of course! Glad I could help!

Yeah, the sensor could still be in the reading phase and “collecting light” while the shutter is closed, but since the shutter’s closed, there’s no light getting to it so makes no difference, and therefore any “read delay” doesn’t cause issues.

They’re entirely different mechanisms. Electronic front curtains work entirely differently than a fully electronic shutter. I’m not sure how much you understand about shutters and their mechanics, or the way camera sensors work, so I’ll try to take a middle ground explanation here…

An electronic shutter blanks every “pixel” in the sensor, and the iterates over the pixels and reads their values. The blanking signal can easily be synced, and is effectively instantaneous. Iterating over the pixels takes time - 48MP at 10bits is a lot of fucking data, and it is extremely complicated for the sensor to be able to read out that many pixels, the memory buses to transfer the data, the processing units to process the data, and the storage mechanism to write that data. It’s not a long time, but it takes fractions of a second, so it approaches shutter speeds. This means the whole mechanism runs “line by line” so the later lines are read “later in time” from the time you clicked the shutter button than the earlier lines. Even if you sync the blanking signal to match this later read time, in order to keep the “exposure time” constant across pixels, the pixels are still read in order and the later read pixels are capturing a later point in time than the earlier read pixels. We just can’t read from an entire sensor within 1/1000th of a second.

That being said, electronic front curtains are way simpler. You blank everything together, then you snap the rear curtain closed, then you read the pixels. Even if the later pixels are read later, they are behind the rear curtain, so they aren’t exposed to any of the “later light” - the exposure data in all the pixels are “saved” from the same point in time. Even though they’re read later, the rear curtain ensures they never received light beyond a specific point in time. As long as you read the data after that point, there’s no noticeable variance in the point in time that the pixels were exposed to the picture.

Again, this is a bit of a simplification - there is a lot that goes on in the syncing process between curtains to be able to obtain really fast shutter speeds, but the concept is essentially as above - a fully electronic curtain is constrained by the read time of the sensor, but even an electronic front and mechanical rear shutter can use the light-blocking properties of the physical shutter to ensure better synchronicity between the different sensor lines.

If a Threads user posts an image, and Meta hosts it, and I scroll through my feed and see it, my client will hit their server for said image. And Meta can collect my IP.

Meta basically invented this shit.

Yes, but if you host an image, and my client prefetches it, it’s going to exposed my IP to your image server. And if you have clauses saying you’re collecting IPs…

Meta basically invented this shit. They’ll do it again. It’s what they do.

Yes, but many clients are going to go look up images manually. If it’s a Threads post, it’s likely hosted by Meta servers, and they can easily see your IP when doing that. And they’re saying they might collect IPs from you even if you’re not using their service directly.

Yeah, this. If you comment on a few different image posts, they just have to look for the IP that is in all of those pools. It’s not that hard and this is basically metas bread and butter.

Meta says, for Threads to federate, they access the same data any instance does when it federates.

Okay, but like, I don’t want Meta consuming that data? At least if they wanted to scrape through reddit to put that together, they’d be going out of their way. This data is now just coming through the same API “for free”.

If I didn’t mind Meta scraping through all this, why wouldn’t I just use Threads?

This is exactly the kind of shit that pushed me here - I don’t want Meta sifting through all my shit. Its unlikely that some other instance host is going to start building psychological advertising profiles on me and sell it to the highest bidder. But you bet your ass Meta will try.

Public? Idk, maybe. I wouldn’t generally consider my IP to username to be public. Comment and post stuff, sort of. But even if it’s public, I still wouldn’t want Meta consuming it.

That’s not how I read it, but I’m not going to claim to be a fediverse expert. That post specifically says:

Provided that a Third Party User is followed by or following a Threads account, Meta will ingest these pieces of data specifically:

To me, this reads as, even if a Threads user follows you, your info gets chewed up by Meta.

In other words, if you post somewhere on the Fediverse, and some Threads user bumps into it, they can follow you, and that will send all that data to Meta. And it looks to include data well beyond the post the Threads user saw.

To me, this is a “sound the alarm” moment. If you came here to avoid Meta’s data harvesting, this sounds like you at least need to be on an instance defederated from threads, but I’m not sure even that’s enough.

Provided that a Third Party User is followed by or following a Threads account, Meta will ingest these pieces of data specifically:


Profile Picture

IP Address

Name of Third Party Service

Posts from profile

Post interactions (Follow, Like, Reshare, Mentions)

So if you follow a threads user or even if a threads user just follows you, they pull all this data?

IMO this seems like reason to defederate across the board. Someone else can leak your info to Meta.