• 1 Post
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Mar 23, 2020


Titles make hype. Getting to 1.0 is a milestone and a place that we can agree to celebrate. Sure, it worked one commit before the 1.0 tag too, but that’s hardly misleading

Super excited about things like Discourse (and one day PhpBB?) getting fediverse support. The connections will be unstoppable!

Honestly, most of them :). If you’re reasonably wealthy (make above average wage), every ad you click will cost advertisers at least 25-50¢. The value of your clicks will go down a little depending on a few things, but anything on a website that serves its own ads instead of going through a 3rd party network (think Reddit ads) will stay in the 25-50¢ range, if not more

Advertising is incredibly expensive. I pay upwards to $1/click for one of my services targetting a specific group.

If you hate ads, use something like Ad Nauseum instead of UBlock origin. You’ll cost companies hundreds of dollars a day.

Fwiw, search engines need to figure out what is “reliable”. The original implementations were, well if BananaPie.com is referenced by 10% of the web, it must be super trustworthy! So people created huge networks of websites that all linked each other and a website they wanted to promote in order to gain reliability.

It’s talking about a new app made by Meta. Key point from article:

“Soon, our app will be compatible with certain other apps like Mastodon,” Instagram’s slide says. “Users on these other apps will be able to search for, follow and interact with your profile and content if you’re public, or if you’re private and approve them as followers.”

The harder I tried to see the author’s POV, the more IQ points I lost. The fediverse is having some drama and hiccups, and so the author threw up their hands and said it should die?

Did you confirm if the recipient got it? I shared a Lemmy post link via Linkedin DMs once and the message was shadow un-received (I could see it as sent but the other person never got it, only my before and after messages)

Linkedin blocks .ml website domains too. Rip any site that uses that I guess

Love to see it. Mastodon is a trojan horse that companies are joining to keep up with technology, but it’s taking the power out from underneath them. See what happened to Raspberry Pi after they moved to Mastodon and still tried to keep their community on a string :)

tl;dr Rasberry Pi hired an ex-cop who specialized in surveillance and major players in the fediverse got the Rasberry Pi mastodon instance defederated

I actually disagree with the other commenters and personally love this, it’s keeping companies accountable for their actions. Yeah, it’s legally fine to hire someone who specializes in anti-privacy (and then be stupidly arrogant about it), but now the power is in the people’s hands and they’re punishing you for it.

Doesn’t need new software, only improved UX on the existing ones