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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


We’re on the same page! Again it was a really interesting article with lots of valuable info, I definitely learned a thing or two and I’ve been composing frames for a long time. I’m going to read the other ones you posted soon. As for cropping, it’s an inevitable reality when it comes to some jobs with high volumes. The author does fine art where I actually agree that getting your composition perfect in camera is the best, but it was unnecessarily partisan, like an Xbox vs Playstation vibe.

The article talks about a lot of interesting composition concepts, but to me it comes across as “euphorically enlightened” and preachy. In particular the parts about cropping.

Very nice! I love the colours and the textures in this shot with the strong lines.

I’d clone out the “subjects”, I’d also give this a little bit of extra pop (vibrance etc) but add a strong, very soft vignette.

Yeah the RF, I still haven’t updated my website since I got that one so I don’t have photos to share but this video was pretty much entirely shot on it besides a few with the 100mm macro, when I shoot video I also switch between full frame and a crop mode that gives me 1.6x.

It’s a great lens very sharp and it has IS and all that. I do question whether it’s ideal for “wildlife” style event photos, I’d rather something a bit longer to give myself a better chance people don’t notice me, but I think for your situation it might make sense since you’re also a guest and won’t spend your time actually hunting, and the 1.6 crop gives you a bit more reach. Be warned the RF autofocus with an RF body is amazing and will ruin EF with adapter for you.

It depends on what you’re trying to achieve. Are you doing candid portraits where the people are in natural positions and not looking at the camera (that’s the preferred style for things like corporate events), then you want something longer and as fast as you can get, no flash. If you’re going to have people posing in front of you and look at the camera then I’ll join the crowd and recommend getting a flash, with canon you might have a setting for “natural” or “ambient priority” to reduce the whole flashiness of it. In that case the 24s are probably fine, they’ll be a 38mm equivalent on your body, so not actually that wide and should work for single portraits or groups (zoom with your feet).

Here are my favourite lenses or combos to cover events, but keep in mind I do this professionally and definitely cannot enjoy the event as a guest at the same time:

  • 15-35f2.8 + 70-200f2.8
  • 28-70f2
  • 24-70f2.8

Personally I would never cover an event with primes as they just don’t offer me the flexibility I need but again different situations, in your shoes I’d probably grab the 24 and enjoy the pleasure of shooting around the 35mm length, my favourite prime length.

Which was always going to happen if Lemmy is to grow. This is fine, decentralisation is what this is made for, so if you want a vanilla experience with only clean sfw content, you can register to instances A B or C, if you fancy some more open internet, then instances X Y or Z might be more for you.

Hey there, pro photog here. Wish I could help but the truth is while I replaced everything else with alternatives/open source, lightroom and Photoshop are the only ones I couldn’t get away from.