Numbers can be fun if you play with them a bit. We may not always agree but I’ll be your friend if you ever need one.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I finally got a nice little piece of hardware. I wanted to spin up my own private instance and the first thing I’m doing is defederating with Meta.

Provided I can get my kBin instance up and running 😅

I came here to say this. The long dick of the law has far better avenues to take down sites than potentially handling the digital equivalent of nuclear waste and posting it on sites they don’t like.

As an American I just want to remind everyone that not all speech is protected by the 1st amendment.

Threats of violence or harm directed at others are not protected speech to provide one example of speech that is exempt from the 1st amendment. Implied threats are also not protected.

In simpler terms. You can tell most people how you feel about something, even in a very vulgar and rude way. When that speech translates into something actionable is where you can get in trouble.