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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Lol, no. We don’t even all agree on a political outlook now. It’s largely the gamut from centre-left to far-left, but that doesn’t mean we all agree on everything or get on with each other.

Some subs on Reddit were practically unusable due to the amount of users and the noise they created. Especially if you weren’t in an American timezone so missed the early chatter before everyone piled on. I’ve come to appreciate less users being here.

Are there sanctions on Hexbear at the moment, lol.

I don’t know how to copy a link to a community in Jerboa, but one is under shoplifting@lemmy.ml

That’s the thing, everything needs to be a community these days, some people can’t just download a torrent now and then and get on with it, they have to start a “community” about it. I’ve noticed shoplifting is similar these days too.

I remember a few months ago some comics creators were complaining about the various Russian pirate sites for books out there and people were trying to call them classist due to the fact not everyone can afford a comic. Most comic creators are not Hollywood billionaires, they’re artists living on the breadline in a lot of cases. By all means pirate of you want to buy people making it out to be moral or honourable wind me up.