Tinkerer, Gamer, Programmer, Jack of all trades.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 31, 2023


Kbin has a separate tab within a community called “microblog” I think. Any hashtags set by the community are automatically followed in the “microblog” feed and can be fully interacted with.

This doesn’t bring threadiverse content into mastodon, but it does bring kbin users at least, into mastodon.

And with the @ing of lemmy communities, you can post from mastodon to lemmy. There’s some work to be done, for sure, but I think we’re close to a decent solution.

But also, 100% compatibility would be odd, wouldn’t you just switch platforms if you wanted the different functionality.

Casually Explained: Photography
He keeps talking about DSLRs in a mirrorless world, but aside from that, this is wonderfully stupid funny.

I haven’t put a ton of thought into it, but I think I agree that it’s at very least (Giving the biggest benefit of the doubt) unsupportive of minority groups to label their concerns as ‘political’ and shut down the conversation on that ground.

But I also get not wanting every bit of content in your feed picked over with a fine-toothed comb for micro-aggressions, and have all the comment sections be for/anti-X wars. Its tiring.

As it is also tiring to just BE everyday as part of an oppressed group.

idk, at first thought, the best solution seems like everyone should just carve out a drama-free safe-zone among your closest friends, and/or a small community of people very similar to you. But that’s hard, at least for me.

I belong to a few minority groups, and even within each of those, there are aspects of myself that make me feel unwelcome in many of those safespaces. For instance, in hispanic groups… I don’t speak spanish. I was at a concert last night, and one of the bands called out in spanish something to the effect of “where are my hispanic people” which I only was able to decipher with my miniscule understanding of spanish (highschool class) and the context of a bunch of hispanics yelling out in response. I’m just like… oh yeah, not me I guess.

So yeah, politics is near impossible to escape. But it would be nice to take a fucking breath free of the weight of all the problems in the world, in my life.

idk, everything is fucked. Well, idk, dad jokes seem cool.

PS. What’s with the term BIPOC? What was wrong with POC? POC felt like we were in this all together… BIPOC feels like it prioritizes black people over other people of color.

guess I put a little more thought into it over the course of writing this, which took for fucking ever bc of ADHD and social anxiety. I’m looking at every word, wondering how it could be misconstrued or misunderstood, or hell correctly understood as proof that I’m a massive bigot asshole. sigh post

I felt like a criminal going through a prison security check when I did self checkout. Had to have the attendant check the security footage multiple times while scanning like 10 items.

As much as reasonable, I avoid going there from then on. I think in 5 months I’ve been back once. Also, screw Kroger and their wage thieving asses.

I noticed that r/portland and r/portlandor seem to have large active user bases that hate Portland and just show it in different ways.

Hopefully this can be a place for people who enjoy Portland and maybe want to constructively discuss ways to improve it.

Our apartment building must have like 100 units, there are only ~10 parking spots and they charge $200/month for them. Everyone else parks in the streets. There’s like a 2 block radius with cars for our building. And now there are 3 new apartment buildings going up 1-2 blocks away, with similar or less parking. Parking is going to be a shitshow, and navigating the roads is tedious as the parking makes these single lane roads. And I imagine it’s especially annoying to the houses that predate all of these buildings.

But hopefully over time people will use the Max and bus more since they’re only a block away, or ride bikes. I think not having the minimums could slowly nudge people away from car use. And as less cars are on the road, other services are used more, more can be invested in the other services and infrastructure.

But it’s a difficult balance to maintain after a city is already so developed.

Eh… there’s a fediverse ride on the ?30th?

Idk haven’t done one yet.

I sent my pet seagull (pictured) to inform the cougar that climbing is not allowed.

Only tried a couple, but my wife and I are each found an enjoyable coffee from Water Ave.

If you want larger bags though, you have to order online.

I wonder if this kind of bullshit is counted in the statistics of safety of taking public transit.

Like how many incidents happen with people going to/from/at stops?

Wtf is “bias crime”, sounds like something made up by a lawyer for a racist who committed a hate crime.

I appreciate your response, helpful information. Over on the /r/ place, I saw lots of people raving about Kaiser. Unfortunately I am with Aetna rn, but I did find the suggestion of Pivot Behavioral Health and have scheduled an appointment with them. Was east to do online and got an appointment just 3 weeks out. We’ll see how it goes, but I’m optimistic

Who says I’m not being inclusive. If I want to provide a helpful answer to the question, I must know what perspective they’re asking from.

Anyone recommend a good ADHD psychiatrist in the area?
Recently moved here, really struggling with my ADHD and want to see a legit psychiatrist to find the best course of action for me. If they happen to accept Aetna, great, otherwise I’m willing to pay a decent amount out of pocket to get out of this ADHD depression rut I’m in.

As a recent transplant, I would like more upcoming events posts, and suggestions on places to visit. To that end I really enjoy enjoyed /r/ askportland more than /r/portland

So if we could cultivate more that kind of vibe, that’d be cool.