Opinions are my own. Profile picture description: Black on white pictogram with a D20 showing 20 for a head and a game controller for a body and arms, holding a white cane.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


The photography world has changed quite a lot since the Minolta days.

To answer your question directly, I’d recommend getting a used Sony a7 of whichever generation you like the price of.

That being said, if we dig a bit deeper, kids are some of the most challenging subjects, and family gathering some of the most challenging events: fast movement requiring fast focusing, low light requiring wide apertures, high ISO or flash.

I’d consider switching entirely to a modern system that can get you those features.

I don’t think they’d let me use a tripod, but tracking is a good idea… It certainly works for race cars. I’d probably be able to stop down too and rely less on perfect focus.

Right? They look like they’re flying and then they have the derpiest faces. I’m desperately trying to save one photo of a stingray looking for food on the side of a tank, its mouth vacuuming away.

[Help] Tips for sea life photos at aquariums?
I've been having issues getting decent photos of sea life at aquariums. I went to two different ones recently. I used a Canon R10 at both: for the first I took a 24 f/2.8 pancake lens and felt like the maximum aperture wasn't providing enough light to autofocus fast enough. For the second trip, I used a 50 f/1.8 and that did address that problem, but I'm still left with blurry photos and massive blue-yellow chromatic aberration. It's a challenging environment to begin with with how dark it is and how fast and unpredictability some fish and other animals move. The best - still pretty bad - results I got were at f/4, 1/300 or faster and moderate ISO speeds. Part of the issue is that, with my username being very literal, I can't really adjust my settings in response to image quality, on the spot. Reviewing images in the EVF with magnification is awesome and helpful, but I still end up getting disappointed when I open the photos up on my 32 inch monitor... So... any tips? Is there a secret for this, something like a Watery 16 rule I don't know about? For what it's worth, one of these places is pretty close by. I could get an annual pass and head there every weekend and try something new. I don't want to, but I could. Hehe.