Art loving freedom adoring supervisor. Hit me up for a community on the blazingly fast server!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


Thank you ❤️!

Yes the technical side have been not without complications and I still haven’t figured out the email part (I’m at OVH). For image sizes I thought 4TB could host 50.000 images of max size (20MB if I got that number right) so a good start. Bigger images (scans) would need more but drive space isn’t that expensive so for now I think it’s kind of reasonable. Gotta setup a backup system though…

Yes, I will gladly accept a Blocklist, we can try to hash out the “rules” too (no fachos, hate, evil …).

What about making a meta community over at mindoki?

Hello !

I have set up a server ( and I’m dedicating it to the arts.

I’m a big Moebius fan so I made a Moebius community where I post things (it’s all quite new to me) but more art communities would be very nice!

It’s an okay beefy server with 4TB for content (I’ll add more if needed).

What do you think about setting something up there? You’ll have full control of course.

