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I’m just a weird, furry, pan guy. I also have a big, blue username. This is my primary Lemmy account, but I have many others like it on other instances.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I’ve never seen Exploding Heads but I’ve heard things… It’s the only one shown on this chart I think I have any issue with, if what I’ve heard is true.

The entire bottom half though is like my whole shit.

But just remember: Some of those people that are not staying are the types of people you wouldn’t want to interact with anyway. If the roughly 10k people who quit were Nazis (for example), it’s a good thing.

I’d most certainly do that if that spot was simply a romantic location I enjoyed, and it wouldn’t be weird unless I also kept talking about my ex.

The name got me excited, but then I was disappointed that it wasn’t a pansexual version of the 1998 classic video game Quake.

Most of these discussions on privacy I run into are clearly filled with people who don’t understand a damn thing about the internet. Many of which are on Facebook… Using their real name and real photo as a PFP. They don’t actually care about privacy. They just like being scared and angry.

If you have concerns that your posts will be public on a public message board, you’re kind of fucking stupid. It’s like being concerned that you will be visible if you leave your house to go to the store.