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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


nice lighting and colors on these. :+1:

as for the format, I could go either way. I’m also fine with 3 separate posts–it wouldn’t be spam imo :)

Interesting points. First, yes about the F-mount lenses! I don’t often use random old lenses, but, probably my most “successful” photo (big air quotes there) was when I needed a longer lens, which none of my “nice” ones are, so I slapped on an MF 135mm that someone had given me, and boom.

As for facial recognition, sports stuff, focus tracking, etc. – I basically do most of my (non-casual/family/etc.) shooting on a tripod, at things that ain’t moving (or if they are, like clouds or water, I’m using an ND filter to get that motion); so, a lot of those newer bells and whistles I don’t really consider. I like lots of megapixels, low noise, a good lens, solid tripod, etc.

Ooh that size tool is cool! Dang, my D800 is a beast.

And yeah I agree, phones are no match for the real thing. Even in good light, especially if you’re going to do any raw/post work on it.

So sorry for the reply delay! But, that is nice to know that the more recent upgrades boil down to quieter/mechanical shutters etc. I guess I am not too worried!

But it sure would be nice to have something midway between a) the bulky D800 with very heavy sigma 12-24 or nikon 24-70, and b) my phone. :-D

Thanks again.

Cool writeup! I myself haven’t recovered from young kids yet, so I’m still rocking a nikon d800, which is great for going out shooting nature/architecture by myself (which never happens), but less so for candid family stuff. Anyway it’s nice to read your experiences.

awesome! thanks for the deets. Really nice shot~!

Very nice. What did you use (lens + post processing etc.)?

Very cool! Great work. Thanks for the details!

so pretty. nice photo. what kind of post processing do you do?

That’s awesome. I hate how impressed I am with iPhone pics xD

That’s beautiful! What kind of camera, and processing did you use?

Lots of good advice here already about phone vs camera etc. On that note I’d say, whatever will inspire you to take more pictures. If there’s something just cool to you about having an old film camera with manual focus, for example, go for that. The other sometimes overlooked side is post processing. To me, what you do to the photo on your computer is at least half of what makes a good photo. This can be Photoshop (if you have a license thru your work/school, otherwise it gets expensive), Lightroom (ditto), Affinity Photo (which I use), or free options like RawTherapee, gimp, etc. If you enjoy tweaking photos, this can be a deeeeep rabbit hole! It’s amazing what you can do with a few skills. Anyway… just wanted to plug that other aspect of photography since I love it so much. Good luck!