I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I don’t get the pull request part. does that mean each instance does not control who they federate with???

I think it can be helped by having sorta community tools. Like subscribing to blocklists. Users could even publish their user blocklist and someone can subscribe to it as well or just instead of subscribing to them. and we alread have tools to block domains, urls, users, magazines so we don’t have to block accounts individually. I have curated my feed quite a bit just by over time taking out stuff here and there. Heck I will block at a group level much easier than a user level. That is I put more scrutiny before deciding to block a user.

can’t users block stuff???