Autistic tech enthusiast and entrepreneur

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Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


But this makes the subscriber count kind of pointless imo. It’s kind of important to see how many people really subscribe.

I would like to see a feed that consists of all the communities I didn‘t subscribe to (minus those I banned).

That way I‘d be able to see what I‘m currently missing.

Thanks for pointing that out. I‘m sort of between the two. Doing IT more or less professionally for 20+ yrs but I can’t tell you the definitive workings of the fediverse either. I understand the principles and I like them.

Have a good one. :)

Hi, I agree that there needs to be discussion.

But let’s be honest here. If meta made a lemmy/mastodon instance we would probably defederate them as well since every bit of data is for their financial gain and nothing else.

I don’t see how the worlds master manipulator and anti trust poster child is even remotely worth discussing about. We have established time and time again that „meta bad“. Why would we now not just accept the fact?

I posted this exact idea a week ago. Good that it finally gets discussed. :)

I believe the option to move with your account is in the works, right? I read something like that I believe.

I really enjoy reading this answer. I just had a taste of „you can‘t save them all“ today and it feels great so see that we have such a great variety here. Have a good day!

It probably depends on which client you use but it is kind of a forum tool like reddit (striking similarities).

As someone who has specific needs in terms of ui and also designs UIs, I can try showing the differences.

Lemmy and reddit have communities (or subreddits, forums if you will) - the content is rather long form. I don’t know of any limit. You have forum like headlines and body texts. You can put in images, videos, links but the vast majority of posts is text.

Mastodon and Twitter are more short form (character limit) and they work more with threads, like answering yourself or others and so on. You can do this on the redditlikes but you cant do it the other way round. They’re also called microblogging platforms as you‘re limited in the length of your „blog“.

Then there is Instagram and pixelfed (havent tried the latter yet) which are focused on pictures and videos, less on text. I believe you can post as long a text as you like but without a striking image, nobody will read it.

And last (maybe least) is facebook: a wild mix of all of the above. I don’t think there‘s a character limit, you can post text, video, audio, whatever. Most importantly imo is that you join groups as these open you up to other people than your friends. There you again find a wild mix of post types. Facebook is notorious for the low quality content that some people post, like childish pictures of badly animated birds which are supposed to convey some kind of message. Those are signs that the less tech literate and sometimes less culturally knowledgeable are on the platform (imho).

Just to finish this off: mastodon, lemmy and pixelfed are part of the fediverse. This means they are federated and are not (and can never) be controlled by a single entity. Also, they don’t use an algorithm. They do not check what you like and throw stuff at you it thinks you like. These algorithms are like heroin to a lot of people but for some reason they‘re not outlawed yet.

Have a good one.

Understandable. I have researched a couple hours today and I feel like I‘m onto a winner here.

The problem is that there does not seem to be comprehensive information to absorb in a structured way. So, there is no „you need this to do that and then you do this and get this outcome.“

Looking into it also brought me to appreciate what I already have. Using Home Assistant in ONVIF mode and adding some buttons did the trick at least in terms of controlling the camera. I still need to change zoom and define movement detection.

I think I need to write an article about this. That would probably help a lot of people.

So my current setup is homeassistant + viseron and it works good so far. I wont change since frigate seems to gobble up resources in comparison.

Let me know if you need more info.

Thank you for responding! That pretty much sums up the reasons I‘m suspicious.

That said, I feel like there is not a whole lot of beginner friendly stuff out there atm. Some are pushing proprietary stuff and most of it is just yourself gathering and learning as you go.

Even on awesome selfhosted, I dont see any security/cctv sections which makes me wonder if we‘re not there yet in terms of self hosted stuff concerning cctv.

Thanks again and feel free to hit me up if you learn anything new.

Trying to set up CCTV Cameras
Hi there! I‘m running a somewhat developed home server setup and add more services every month. But this thing eludes me: I have 2 IP cameras for my pet room (I have a couple bearded dragons in terrariums). The cameras are fenton 351.150 I can stream many different formats to home assistant or the browser. I also tried multiple apps like viseron (which is pretty cool) and agentdvr from ispy (which always makes the hair on my neck stand up since it looks like it was cobbled together). But what doesnt work is controlling the camera, mostly. I believe agentdvr could do that but I‘m really unhappy about that app. Also, it pushes monetization very hard albeit seeming to be open source. I also found this: **Does anyone have experience with a non-jank and non-pushy cctv solution that lets me control the cameras instead of just streaming?** Have a good one!