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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Yeah, drug possession isn’t what I was talking about. I don’t really care if people do drugs because it’s their choice. I don’t really do drugs because, from a personal standpoint, I don’t like how even alcohol or caffeine (which I do take) effect my brain. I’m saying if someone can do meth outside my front door and put me and my family in danger it ceases to be about a person’s personal choice because it is now effecting others. And before anyone points it out, I am well aware that this sounds like I’m being selfish, but this isn’t actually about me. I know for a fact that others feel this way. They are worried that they will be assaulted because they can’t do anything about these people, either helping them or defending themselves, and the people who can help the people who need it can’t or won’t.

This was the biggest problem I had with decriminalized drug use, Portland did not have the infrastructure to support people when the bill was voted on so instead of helping people we just made neighborhoods more dangerous for people.