I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.

It’s SFW, don’t worry.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Sure, why not

When picking a camera to learn on one thing to keep in mind is that you’ll be learning on it

The gear is only as good as your knowledge in how to use it

So picking something with room to grow and potentially in the future grow out of without getting something that’s super expensive (to you) is important

Go right ahead and pick up the 6400 and begin your journey into interchangeable lens cameras

Just be warned: it’s really easy to come down with a case of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) when you jump into the world of interchangeable lens cameras. Try to avoid that while learning if you can

Thank you, here’s a link to my DeviantArt page specifically the upload of this image.

I’m still slowly working through my backlog of pictures to share there so there’s not a whole lot there currently.

NGL that’s another reason I really like 1x1.

Finally got back to my PC so I could do some fun editing

BTW would you be alright if I share this edit in my online album (DeviantArt page) provided I credit you as the original source for the non-edited image and provide a link here?

Edit: Slight clarification on where I’d share it.

Personally when it comes to exterior shots I go for wider shots than 3x2. I’m talking like 3x1, 2x1, or 16x9. Mostly I like those wider shots because I feel they isolate the subject most for exteriors.

Here’s a quick and sloppy little crop at 2x1 I did of your picture. Unfortunately I’m away from my PC ATM so a better crop couldn’t happen but I think it shows what I’m trying to say.

Of course lately I’ve been really falling in love with 1x1 images but that’s a whole other ball pit.

Here’s a 1x1 edit if you’re curious. Also a bit haphazard due to being on my phone but I think I got the framing pretty close.

Edit: Keep up the good work and remember: the best camera is the one you have on you when you want to take pictures.

I took this shot back in 2021 I was recently going back through my older folders of pictures to sort them a bit better than they were before and I noticed this was still in my "import" folder. Woops. [Here's a link](https://www.deviantart.com/gormadt/art/Cloudy-Astro-Shot-of-Mt-St-Helens-980546534) to the Deviant Art page where I shared it. I'll be sharing more pictures as I sort through that mess of folders on my NAS.

Damn I really dig the soft but vibrant color of that flower

It’s prominent compared to the bush and subtle in its beauty

And that bush green chef’s kiss

Great work!

Happy to hear you found the problem

After a hike I noticed some weirdness when taking pictures, turns out when I swapped lenses on the hike I trapped a mosquito between the lens and the sensor

Good news is it just fell out when I tipped the camera

Bad news is now I’m paranoid about there still being bits in there

[Source](https://www.deviantart.com/gormadt/art/Mt-Adams-Snow-Melt-Pond-980549367) I took this on a hike I went on in 2021 to a place called Muddy Meadows. It was a beautiful hike near Mt Adams but it was a little early in the season and I was getting eaten alive by mosquitos. Also the altitude at this point in the hike was high enough that I was feeling pretty winded even just sitting there.

Unfortunately I don’t know much about the helicoid (the focusing part), it was already installed when I bought it from the seller on eBay. Though the helicoid has a very worn “Made in USSR” on the side.

But the last part that adapts the helicoid to Micro 4/3 is a pretty cheap and easy thing to get on Amazon or eBay as long as you know the mount you’re adapting from. In this case it was also installed by the seller in my case. Though I have bought those adapters (m39 and m42 to Micro 4/3) for other lenses I have.

I’ve shared a collection of stuff that I can share right now in another comment here highlighting some of the pics it can take, and a cool example of how it can focus on objects behind what’s in front of the lens.

Here’s a link to a small album of some shots I can share made using the lens. The shots with multiple minis in it the minis are at most 6 inches apart.

Here’s a pic I took at about midnight using the lens as well. I hope to do more using the lens with reflections and small light sources.

Here’s a cool vid of being able to focus on things behind the subject. Behind the mini by about a foot is my monitor displaying an image.

I’m currently in the process of putting a bunch of my pictures on my Deviantart‡ account, I haven’t done a lot yet because I don’t want to flood it all at once but it’s a slow process of uploading.

‡ It’s SFW and will stay that way, don’t worry.

Here’s a link to a small album of some shots I can share made using the lens. The shots with multiple minis in it the minis are at most 6 inches apart.

Here’s a pic I took at about midnight using the lens as well. I hope to do more using the lens with reflections and small light sources.

Here’s a cool vid of being able to focus on things behind the subject. Behind the mini by about a foot is my monitor displaying an image.

I’m currently in the process of putting a bunch of my pictures on my Deviantart‡ account, I haven’t done a lot yet because I don’t want to flood it all at once but it’s a slow process of uploading.

‡ It’s SFW and will stay that way, don’t worry.

Personally I dig this weird little fella It's an old Soviet 16mm film projector lens adapted to a different vintage lens's helicoid then adapted to Micro 4/3. It's a 50mm f/1.2 lens and it takes some weird photos. It's not perfect (especially if the area is well lit) but it takes some interesting photos with a little practice. Edit: And being a lens made for 16mm film it takes pictures just like a normal micro 4/3 50mm lens would.

I’ve always been a sucker for flowers

These are adorable

Ooh I really dig this

It reminds me of long exposure taillight shots

This makes me want to find an ant hill and get some long exposures of it, preferably without getting bitten

And it’s my favorite kind of moon, a very thin crescent

I’m super happy I was able to get it in the shot

Thank you

NGL I’m pretty proud of it and happy that I was lucky with my timing

I got to the beach a bit after sunset but still in the early those of dusk and when I saw this couple I had to get a picture. I took this using my Lumix G9 with a Leica 12-60mm lens. This image is in 9x16 aspect ratio and is 4k.

For this one I was using my Lumix G9 with a Laowa 7.5mm f/2.0 lens wide open. I’ve also got a cheap little wireless shutter switch that I used for added stability when starting the shots. It was also hooked to a cheap janky tripod with a weight on the bottom.

This is a composite of about 20 10 second exposures due to me wanting to avoid star trails this time.

I was planning to take quite a bit more long exposures to get some some star trail shots (and some other kinds of shots) as well but I had to leave the spot earlier than I wanted.

Someday I’d like to get a star tracker for some crazy shots but damn are those expensive.

I feel you on the running for the camera

I’m usually running for clouds and sunset but I’m not very good with my timing yet lol

Practice makes perfect though

That’s a nice shot

I really dig the lighting on the clouds

I'm not the best at astrophotography, but I really dig it and I'm working on getting better. I was hoping to get some more shots on my trip but I had to leave early due to wolves crowding entirely too close (within 50 yards and less than 10 when I hopped into my car) while I was taking my shots. I have a version of this that's 9x20 compared to this one's 9x16. It has a bit more ground so it fits better as a phone wallpaper compared to this one IMO. Edit: Mt Adams is the little bump in the bottom left of you're curious.

I’ve got some micro 4/3 cameras (the kind that the one you’re looking at is) and entirely too many lens so I guess this is my ballpark

Am I an expert? Hell no

Do I have a couple years of hobby experience? Yes.

So let’s get started

My favorite general purpose lens is my Panasonic Leica 12mm to 60mm lens. It goes down to f/2.8 and has a wide spread of focal lengths to use that work great. It’s expensive though. The Panasonic (non-Leica) 12-60 is a pretty decent alternative for a lot cheaper. Usually about half the cost or less of the Leica one.

My favorite non-zoom powered lens native to micro 4/3 is the 25mm f/1.7 lens from Panasonic as well. It’s bloody sharp and a great general purpose lens if you don’t mind having to change your distance to a subject.

Now in terms of manual lenses I have a pair of favorites, one that’s expensive and easy to get and the other that’s old and hard to find. The expensive one (like $400 USD) is my 7.5mm f/2.0 lens from laowa. It’s a really specific use case lens but it’s damn good at what it does, which for me is wide astrophotography shots. The hard to find one is an old Soviet projector lens made for 16mm film. It’s a 50mm f/1.2 lens. It’s fantastic and takes some really unique shots. I paid like $90 USD for it.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask, I’ll happily answer.

It's a really big image but damn was it a beautiful hike

Very nicely done

And great job capturing the bird in the shot, it really adds an extra bit of pizzazz to the composition

I also dig the framing through the grass

All in all this is a damn good shot and you should be proud of it