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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


What’s the number of Threads users compared to Lemmy? If the number of Threads users greatly outweigh the number of Lemmy users, then we’d simply be drowned out by all the Threads posts. That’s part one of Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

Extend adds functionality to Threads that Lemmy either can’t support or won’t support for a while due to development time. People migrate to Threads because Lemmy is “missing” functionality. Plus, though I’m not clear on the exact legal specifications, proprietary code can be added to open-source code, and the proprietary code would be copyrighted. In other words, Lemmy devs would have to figure out a way to interact with and mimic Threads’ proprietary code using open-source code.

Extinguish is when Threads’ support of Lemmy is eventually dropped. The users left on Lemmy have suddenly lost a huge amount of content, and they’re left with fewer users than before Threads enabled federation.

As an example, Google’s own website domain was once bought by someone other than Google after they discovered it on a list of domains for sale. Out of curiosity, they tried to buy it and were (to their surprise) successful. The person owned it for about a minute before Google caught on and reversed the transaction. https://money.cnn.com/2016/01/29/technology/google-domain-purchase/index.html