see Tienamin Square
I’m looking it up, and I don’t see any “Tienanmin Square”. Could it be “Tiananmen Square” that you’re thinking of? The one protesting government corruption? Where unarmed soldiers were burned alive? Where Christian sickos were trying to get students in the line of fire to create atrocity propaganda? Surely there must be some confusion here!
So as long as they don’t ideologically agree with you it’s acceptable to be toxic towards them, because their “wrong ideology” makes them toxic?
Think about this in the context of, idk, race science or something. Let’s say you have someone who is openly a big fan of Charles Murray, owns a copy of The Bellcurve, gets the whole nine yards. Would you deny that such a person is necessarily toxic?
Unfortunately for your ideology, most Chinese people support their government:
How do you reconcile this? Shall we trot out some paternalisms about “brainwashing” next?