Front-end Web Dev., and some other stuff too

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Lemmy is a link aggregator. Yes it can serve a lot of (if not all) the functions of a forum but it’s not designed to be a drop-in replacement for something like Discuss or phpBB. It’s different enough that I feel like calling it a forum is not the right term.

There is safari too, of course, but it hardly compares to either in it’s current state

Curious to hear you elaborate on this. It’s the #2 browser by marketshare and Apple, while slower in the past, seems to be hearing developer feedback and catching up to what we’re asking.

The turning point will be when companies/websites start spinning up their own Lemmy instances as their official one to replace their forums, which I think will happen.

I don’t know if this is going to happen, and to be honest I hope it doesn’t. Lemmy is not designed to be a forum and shouldn’t try to be used as a replacement for one.

It’s not inherently bad, I don’t even disagree with it. It’s just that (A) we all get it, enough already and (B) the open web is about letting people use whichever browser they want, so it’s kinda paradoxical that we all say we should all be using the same browser

“Big tech company bad, Twitter dead, Linux good”

Add Firefox in there and yes I’ve seen this everywhere. So many posts about browser news or the web that just devolves into a circlejerk about how great Firefox is.