• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


The article clearly says that there’s no good way to track overdoses. That data isn’t captured anywhere.

Thank God we have you to hold the NYU School Of Medicine accountable and tell them which statistics are meaningful.

Dude I get it, you don’t like measure 110. Read the article and you’ll get an answer to your question.

It’s not even close to the easiest. The easiest is working with the peer mentors that are meeting you in the emergency room when you have an abscess or the people you talk to all the time at the needle exchange.

People go to treatment from needle exchanges all the time. You have no clue what you’re talking about.

https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/ORDHS/bulletins/3465dc9#:~:text=The reporting shows that Measure,were still being established statewide.

The toll free hotline was not the only way to access treatment. The hotline has certainly been a failure. Thousands of people have already accessed services through other avenues though.

Dude, I have no idea. It’s pretty frustrating to watch this debate.

There was a 2 year delay between decrim and OHA pumping out millions of dollars for treatment and harm reduction. That money started coming out this year and now providers are scrambling to hire and implement programs. They’re running into workforce shortages, but those will resolve over the next year. Probably right around the time that Max Williams and Betsy Johnson get a repeal of m110 and we go back to our old failed policies.

As someone who’s been working with addicts for decades, yes they do.

It’s more likely controlled by gangs, who are occasionally able to get staff to work for them


OP, you can edit titles on lemmy