DroneRights [it/its]
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 25, 2023


Not sure I buy that take, since communists hate tankies too. Blahaj is transphobic, but it seems to me they’re on the same side as communists when it comes to attitudes towards auth apologists

I don’t get why you’re surprised, that was the name in the thread I linked at the bottom of this post. I picked it because I’m a fat enby and I’m gay. Yeah, it’s an unfunny joke, but it’s a gay unfunny joke

A fan of the youtuber Vaush, who is known for sexually touching his pet geckos

You found another dronegender person on the fediverse? Where? Can I meet them? I have a lot of trouble finding people of my gender so any help would be appreciated

Your analysis is all well and good and there’s a whole lot of content I agree with there, but you are changing the subject. The subject was the meaning of the word political, not whether people have the right to avoid reading controversy. Everyone on both sides of this issue actually agrees that people have the right to avoid reading controversy. I spent the original thread telling Ada that I wanted to be free from reading controversial takes like “politics is anything I disagree with”, and Ada spent the thread telling me that she wanted Abigail to be free from reading controversial takes like “politics is group decision making”. We both had the same goal: protect people from controversy. The disagreement was simply the meaning of the word political. Ada wanted an echo chamber where everyone agrees that politics is “anything I disagree with”, and I wanted a safe space where we don’t say transphobic things like that. Which, I am aware, is functionally the same as an echo chamber but I don’t know how else to phrase that

Claiming things that are transphobic (like this) are not tranphobic is harmful to trans people. This tells us that Blahaj is transphobic. It doesn’t allow trans rights or people who protect the trans community like I am doing.

I was new to the instance and wanted to familiarise myself with the topical issues that were occuring. Memory consolidation had not yet begun when I encountered transphobia and got into a drama about it. Here are some articles explaining memory consolidation: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/memory-consolidation

The hexbear drama was less interesting to me than the transphobia.

Yeah I’m not up to date on my soviet history, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt right up until she said the jews control the media. That’s when I dumped her.

Well, I don’t know too much about the Russian Ukraine war orphans controversy, but I had a discussion about the Ughur genocide two years ago in which me and my partner ended up reaching the same conclusions you’ve put there. And I had a russian ex-girlfriend who said Stalin was BFFs with the jews and that the Jews conducted a genocide of the slavs during the societ union, and I don’t trust a word out of her mouth so your views look correct there too. I guess I’ll explore Hexbear when I have the time

Well that’s what I did on Blahaj, and it was deeply stressful. I’d like to avoid taking a risk like that again if there’s an easy answer

You’re right, the issue was ableism. I’m all frazzled from talking about transphobia and couldn’t remember the hexbear drama very well because it wasn’t interesting to me until the transphobia stuff I experienced

Trans people are political, whether we want to be or not. When we start adopting this “hating politics” language, we implicitly accept the mechanisms that oppress us and make transphobia easier for other people. Hating politics is transphobic.

And that zero tolerance policy would include tropes such as hating politics?

Your offer is enticing. I still have concerns. I’ve heard rumours that hexbear is welcoming to genocide apologia. Are these rumours true?

My mistake, they weren’t removed. Ada just told them to not be transphobic

You can be banned from lemmy.blahaj.zone for calling out transphobia
I recently made a new account on lemmy.blahaj.zone, because I’ve been harassed and doxxed on my old account and I wanted a fresh start with a more lighthearted online identity that I could be more open about my gender identity on. I’d heard blahaj zone was good for trans people, so I made my account there. And yeah, autism@lemmy.world removed my post discussing neuronormativism from a queer perspective, but I hoped maybe “the trans instance” would be friendlier to trans people. A couple days after making my account, I saw someone on Blahaj engaging in the tired old cliche of “I hate politics, there’s no politics on my social media and I want to keep it that way!” Well we’ve all heard the joke that the two races are white and political, the two genders are male and political, and the two sexualities are straight and political. Hatred of politics is a transphobic, sexist, and racist trope. And having sufferred harassment and abuse from people inside the queer community who “hated politics” and saw trans or nonbinary or xenogender identities as political, I knew this kind of speech was going to make bigots feel comfortable saying they also hate politics, and they think us trans people are it. So, I responded to the transphobia. I started out by attempting to educate them on what politics actually means. But I was interrupted by the Blahaj admin Ada, who told me that politics is “anything I disagree with”, and that indeed politics isn’t welcome on Blahaj. This language was deeply triggering of my past issues dealing with abuse, and I knew from past experience this sort of thing is said by people who are getting ready to say some enbyphobic or racist hate speech. It is especially common for white queer people to talk this way to BIPOC queer people. I tried to reason with Ada, explained the history of the cliche, the trauma it’s caused many trans people, and the consequences this kind of speech will have on the community here, making us all less safe. Ada wasn’t having it. She minimised my concerns by reducing them to my personal trauma while ignoring my wider concerns for others’ safety, and weaponised my PTSD to paint my opinions as invalid because I am mentally ill. She said she owns Blahaj, and she gets to do whatever she wants with it, and nobody is allowed to express a differing opinion, even one that protects trans people, because that’s politics. At the time I thought her concern was me speaking directly to transphobes and making them feel uncomfortable by calling out their actions, so I said I’d just report it instead, and she banned my account. This behaviour protects transphobes, WILL lead to trans and BIPOC people being harassed on this instance, attacks and gaslights victims of trauma (my concerns can’t be valid because I have a mental illness), and forces out any trans person with a commitment to safety for the community. The thread where all this happened: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/comment/2143969