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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


There goes the largest no stupid questions community. Bah. They’ll be back in a day or two, I know, but bah.

I don’t mind a community having low amount of content. It’s easy to just join multiple and hop around. I don’t mind a UI not entirely matching my preference, that stuff is “matter of time”.

But Mastodon made it VERY hard to find the little content their communities did have. They have an anti-Trending philosophy, and that drove me, and most people I know, away. When I joined, they didn’t even have proper tag searching, and to this day, the activity in a tag is still reported wrongly. When asked, I got aggressively told off that Text Search is evil and I’m evil for asking and no, I didn’t even talk about twitter but I’m evil for even daring to make requests even lightly resembling a Twitter user’s UX preferences (Aka: Discoverability and UX). I just wanted to hear a “oh that’s broken and being worked on” but no, it was always a “no, we don’t like that” instead.

No such thing here. I wanted to find the gaming subs, I found the gaming subs. I wanted to find a desolate abandoned community for Dota 2, bam, I found the desolate abandoned community for dota 2. Within 2 minutes I was on grounds with /c/PatientGamers.

It got slightly better. But won’t ever fully fix itself. To me, and to a couple colleagues, Mastodon was a bad website, with bad gatekeepers and a bad advert for the Fediverse. I don’t care about it and I hope Rhynodon some day comes, implements text search and steals all their users.