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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


I have tried to go back to Mastodon, but I have not found an instance that makes me care enough.

Stumble Upon was such a revelation when webrings went out of fashion. I could spend my entire day clicking to a random website and never get bored.

Good perspective. Everyone is happy in an echochamber, but nobody really grows without some kind of adversity, and even inane differences in opinion can be healthy.

But, people tend to focuse too much on differences. The world is enormous, people should be excited to learn something new, not threatened by it.

Ah, I should be more considerate. It certainly takes a lot of tact to be able to compose sarcastic text with clear intentions without blatantly marking it.

There it is. Some people are incapable of reading into context, and take everything so seriously.

Anyways, fuck that noise. I do not need social media to be some stupid zero sum game where I try to win by racking up points that do not matter because there is no prize.

Power tripping in a niche on some corporate owned social media website will never be impressive.

Yeah, there seems to be a collective immaturity that keeps people from having constructive conversations. They are so reactive, and seem incapable of handling disagreement.

Also, people think there is some moral superiority to being unhappy. They see or experience all the bad things that comes with existing, and that joy is only for the dainty privileged too ignorant or stupid to be horrified by reality.

Nothing is perfect. There is no guarantee I will live a life void of injury or trauma, or that I won’t lose my freedom somehow. Everything good in my life could end before I wake up tomorrow.

I have a right to happiness. Everyone does.

Ah yeah. That has the fascade that I applaud.

Thank you. I will make an account when I get the time (I prefer not to make major decisons on my phone!).

Yeah, I don’t care to engage with low effort content.

How does the saying go? Interesting people talk about ideas, uninteresting people talk about other people.

Sounds like a cool future. I like it when my world expands.

Mastodon has benefitted from news articles and the sheer novelty of an alternative to Twitter, even before Elon Musk bought it out.

Lemmy probably won’t have the same fanfare, especially given the stigma Reddit has, like it was a secret to have an account, or talking about it betrayed you as some weirdo or pervert. Whatever, Reddit never seemed to have the same social acceptance as Twitter or anything Facebook owns.

I think it is good to have a community that is self-filtering. Let’s keep the IQ high on this one (with the exception of me, of course!).

It does get awkward trying to follow a thread, especially when it branches out to islands of discussion.

The problem feels a lot more topological, like the micro posts are fine, but the view is bad. Reading the discussions takes more effort than it should, they need s different organizational structure than the collapsed vertical representation.

The sheer negativity is unreal sometimes. I know the world sucks right now, but there is no virtue in being miserable all the time.

It is so strange that people so readily share there personal issues, practically demanding sympathy, and frequently a donation.

I have no interest in spending all my time comiserating with others. I like to be happy, and I like positive people.

Yeah, this micro-blog approach is so one-sided. Some people want engagement, but most people are only looking for agreement.

That sucks. If asking for a feature ends up with hostility from the developers, it is not worth your time and attention.

People share a lot of useful information that can absolutely make life better if it was shared, so it is insane anyone would be against search. Search is the most important technology on the internet, every large website needs it.

Maybe! A professional networking to connect people with similar principles would do a lot to improve the working world.

I remember going to my university’s career center, hoping to get guidance on what kind of jobs to look for after graduating.

All the guy did was show me how to follow people on LinkedIn who graduated in the same field. None of them have advice, none of them know anything. All they can offer are tips on how to look “more professional,” they have no idea how to help ohers craft a career.

We can’t let corporations control our lives, and as much as we try to escape it through technology and our buying choices, there is no easy way to escape it with our jobs.

Yes, I think it is necessary.

Haha. Just like third-party Reddit apps, the best experience is never through the website or official application.

Your instincts are correct! The internet I loved was a library or a coffee shop, not some corprate franchised mega store trying to take your money at every opportunity.

Websites used to be art, exploration was like fringe theater, where you and the author complete the performance.

I hate getting advertized to, even if it is something I want and have been searching for.

I am glad you caught the best of what the internet used to be, and have not been indoctrinated to the worst behaviors, or become too jaded to seek out something that does not disrepect you.

I like this significantly better than Mastodon
My experience with the Fediverse has only been through Mastodon, through which I struggled to find a community I really gelled with. Either it was supper overwhelming with meme posts or NSFW, or it was too chill to the point of nothing. Or, it was hyperfocused like FOSS/Linux and became uninteresting after awhile. May try again, but I think I will explore the other fedisites like Plemora or Calckey to see if I like it better. I love the pace of a forum. I grew up primarily with GameFAQS and some lucid dreaming forum, and honestly it was very formative in teaching me how to write and use critical thinking skills, as well as how to respond to a variety of temperaments. I stopped participating in online forums awhile ago, and while I loved Reddit as a resource, I never felt inspired to participate. In the same way, there are an incredible number of forums dedicated to a certain topic, and are extremely valuable, it would be annoying to make an account for all the things I am interested in. I like what lemmy is becoming. Glad to find system that makes interacting with people enjoyable.