From #India. Here for #photography, #travel pictures, #food, #TechStuff and the silly #banter. Janitor of this instance and I welcome you to join. I’m hopeful you might like it here - it’s peaceful and the intention is to keep it that way.

I maintain the bots🤖 @IndiaNewsBot @India @BollyGossips @bangalore @Mumbai @Delhi @Kolkata @IndiaSocial

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2023


Thanks for sharing about Sublinks. It still has the mouse(?) Lemmy icon BTW. Hopefully, they’ll keep the Federation issues in priority. E.g. this (see pic) - I can never see what pic/video is posted on a Lemmy instance. Just this attachment icon and a ‘blank’.

Yeah 20 something - “Sophomore at some Uni”.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. I didn’t level out emotionally until 35. Many people at 40.

calckey dev

Is it that person whose name starts with a K? That fellow blocked my server when I had innocently mentioned that the Fedi software I use also has all the features that they’re talking about. Of course, after spewing a whole gamut expletives and abusive words. Certainly didn’t miss out on anything.

If I were a user of that server, I would run away - AVOID servers where the admins can’t maintain their cool, remain calm and collected and take things personally - think of how they would react if you say something against a decision they make.

There’s - a Fediverse alternative to Pinterest - if it interests you :)

Mastodon (also, Mashiro’s fork) > Pleroma > Akkoma > Rebased. Quite a journey :D

Raised a few issues for Mastodon too which ClearlyClaire and Gargron responded/provided support.

Next up, it’s #Kbin :D

Not surprised about AOC. They were hobnobbing at the Metro Gala and she was giggling like a blushed little girl when taking photos with him (Elon). They all have a glass of evening 🥃 in a drawing room and laugh at your silly serf squabbles.