I’m here because Lemmy.World keeps going down and Beehaw activity plummeted after defederating from the larger instances.


  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


Yeah, I’ll give that a try and see if they can increase storage per user and what I’d need to do to help with the load. I didn’t think to make the request on GitHub though, I’ll definitely check to see if anybody else made that suggestion/request and put it in if not.

That’s a good point, I’ll reach out to instance admins about that and see if that’s doable. Thanks for the suggestion!

Yeah, somebody else suggested that in another reply too. I’ll give that a go and hopefully that can address my issues with the platform. Thanks!

Running my own instance unfortunately isn’t a feasible option for me at this moment in my life. I’ll be looking into that in the future when I’m in a better spot but it’s not an option for a lot of creatives. I may have the technical knowledge to run and upkeep an instance but most artists aren’t that tech savvy. So this will remain a problem for Pixelfed attracting artists even if I run my own instance.

I wanted to pursue Pixelfed as an artist and post my work there but every instance I found seemed to have a 1GB storage limit which just isn’t super viable long term. Maybe if they have a way where individuals can link their own cloud storage service or something? If the instance owners don’t want to host all that media? That’s the main thing holding me back from investing more energy into that platform for now though. I’d love to be able to get away from Instagram but for artists it’s still pretty much required for anybody who wants to find clients (especially now with Twitter what it is).

Edit: some great suggestions in the replies, I’ll follow up with instance admins and see what solutions I can find that way. As well as looking into the request on GitHub mentioned by Gabe. Thank you everyone ☺️

Hey, legal action works, look at that haha

I didn’t see the articles on the lawsuit back in May, thanks for linking it!

Prosecution is broken because there are no public defenders for indigent clients.

The courts are broken because nobody can be tried, so they’re released.

I agree with everything you said but there was an update on the public defender issue the past couple of months at least. $100M is not as much as we need to address the problem entirely but I always appreciate a step in the right direction, no matter how small.

You did nothing but hurl insults (hilarious ones at that) and actually expected a serious response? Then follow up with another insult when your neck beard copy pasta is laughed at? I particularly lost it at “so quit whining and take your just desserts” it’s right up there with “nothing personnel kid” 😂

I generally hate it when people say this on forums, but you really need to go outside and talk to folks IRL. This is not how people communicate, good luck with that lol

Hoooly shit, new copy pasta just dropped lmfao


I had to do it lol

That’s more understandable, I hadn’t personally seen the armed guards going through people’s purchases but that’s not okay.

Its illegal to force anyone to stop though so you can just tell them no and keep walking.

At least the laws regarding that agree it’s not okay and people don’t have to obey. Still not right if the store management is encouraging that behavior though.

Yes, please! A bullet train up/down the west coast would be simply amazing!

There’s a lot to unpack in your post…

There’s really not, just trying to post relevant news to a small local community to encourage activity and discussion. So, mission accomplished.

  1. Being treated like a felon while purchasing groceries is hardly good news for residents.

I’d hardly call requiring an item be unlocked to purchase being treated like a felon, but I understand that it annoys/upsets people. Just a bit of an overstatement there though seeing how felons are treated much, much worse in reality. Kind of insulting to what felons actually have to deal with tbh.

  1. People having to resort to stealing their groceries in the first place is hardly a sign of a healthy society and economy.

I agree, I wasn’t talking about that fact though and neither was the article. It’s talking about the response of one company to that fact, and the response according to Fred Meyer, showed promising results for them.

  1. Giant conglomerate business interests are not the metric we should be using to measure the health of the local economy.

I agree again, but they’re a necessary evil in the current reality we live in. Could we replace them with a locally owned company? Sure! I’d love to see that happen! Although, if these giant conglomerate business interests pull out of the area before we have proportional locally owned options to replace them, a lot of people would be hurt. Grocery stores provide a needed service to the community, we need to support our local chains first but we still need these large chains for the time being. I’d be one-hundred percent on board with Fred Meyers closing shop in Portland if we had something to replace that at that scale, the truth is, we don’t (at this time).

  1. Fuck Kroger

A hearty agree to that as well!

That’s fair, I’m not a fan of it either. Which is why most of my shopping is done at grocery outlet tbh lol. On the other hand I understand that due to all these increases in price that shop lifting has increased a lot as well so they’ve got to be feeling that.

Although, my in-laws in the DFW area of TX say that their Kroger down there has done the same thing so it doesn’t seem to be unique to Portland, despite Oregon Live implying that.

I just found it the other day and subscribed to some of the communities! I don’t have anything to post there myself just yet but am finishing up Mort now and plan to do a little write up. I always loved the quotes from Discworld but I really should’ve started reading it ages ago.

Schafer says watering trees is outside the bureau’s scope: “We only trim trees for visibility and clear brush. We simply are not set up for nor have the skills for tree maintenance beyond that.”

Watering is too hard? Wtf?

… plant about 30 saplings in a grassy triangle in the East Portland neighborhood…

… at least 25 of the trees in the triangle appeared beyond salvation last week.

So almost a complete loss, beautiful.

PBOT’s failure to water its 30 trees in the traffic median is the second time this year that government officials have failed to protect tree canopy. An ongoing street-widening project along a 67-block stretch of Southeast Powell Boulevard means the state is currently chopping down 570 trees lining the road, WW reported in June.

What the FUCK?!

This article is infuriating tbh

Yeah, it’s difficult not to see him derailing proposed initiatives in the taskforce because it may not be the most profitable for insurance companies. My hopes are not super high for this taskforce, so with that, maybe they’ll surprise me because my expectations are so low.

Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek unveils task force to bolster downtown Portland
Edit: I just saw that another person already posted an article about this six or so hours before this from another news agency, so that's my bad mods. I'll try to check more thoroughly next time 😅 Summary: >Kotek and the Oregon Business Council will convene a panel of local elected officials, business executives and civic leaders beginning later this month... >Dan McMillan, president of insurance company The Standard, will co-chair the task force with the governor. >A final roster of confirmed participants will be forthcoming... Mayor Ted Wheeler and Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson have both been invited to join... >The first meeting of the task force will take place Aug. 22, and the group will reconvene in September and October, according to the governor’s office. The group plans to issue a series of recommendations at the Oregon Plan Business Leadership Summit in December.