Eternal shitposter who probably has something more important he should be doing.

Likes: Nice headphones, iPods, Apple stuff, music.

Dislikes: Nazis, Apple

He / Him


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 03, 2023


When I joined Mastodon in the November migration, I wondered why media organisations weren’t spinning up their own servers. Give all the journos an account on that server and there’s your verification right away.

Using this now, and yeah, it’s really lovely.

As good as wefwef/Voyager is (particularly in helping to transition from using Apollo to access Reddit), it kinda falls apart on a desktop browser because it’s built around swipe gestures, and lives squarely in the middle of the screen. So Alexandrite for desktop, Voyager for mobile seems pretty sound.

This fella called DJDarren. He’s brilliant.

I heartily recommend Fox News*, but otherwise I’d suggest looking up hashtags of things you’re into and following people who like what you like. And follow other people on your own server too.

It’s kinda tricky, because most of the people I follow might not be interesting to others, but they’re mostly good for chatting with.

*please click the link before attacking me…

Because there’s low trust, and then there’s looking at everything Meta/Facebook have done over the past 15 years and thinking “yep, they’ll be alright”.