Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 31, 2023

rss continues to prove that their biggest utility is in attracting the bulk of the Reddit Crowd so that other, more specialized communities aren’t overwhelmed, and the older worlders can then join a better community for the long-run.

You can have all of that good if you want to, but being federated allows people to break off if they want. It also allows for niche servers.

The infrastructure is already there in that case, to restore it, and it would be less likely to fall.

Having no sole source of information hosting in an encyclopedic format is safer.

Could this not also be seen as advantageous? If one wants to get nuanced understandings, they could read from multiple wikis written with multiple perspectives, without the tug of war. Presently, as a centralized platform, there’s the back and forth you mentioned with neither side being satisfied.

Assuming people cite their sources and more reputable instances are more developed, this allows for sharing lesser heard perspectives. A flat-earth wiki isn’t going to dominate, because you can’t get valid sources for that.

Overall, cautiously optimistic. I like the idea, and think that as a framework, this is a great thing! It remains to be seen what will come of this, though.

All the more reason to push this project forward, as a redundancy.