I’m an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.

  • 1 Post
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Nov 25, 2019


Idea, don’t include the comments so that lemmy can still be organic and separate, this would also cut down the amount of scraping we’d need to do dramatically.

Alternatively, we could have the bot just post all the posts, but not the comments

That would save a shitload of space too.

I’m actually banned from that subreddit hahaha, but if I don’t forget i’ll try to set this up on wednesday, i’ll do r/herpetology

I might be able to do it for just my favorite communities, but yeah the big 20tb issue taking weeks is a dealbreaker for one person doing ALL of it.

But if there was a way to make it easy to mirror a subreddit for an individual who owns a lemmy community… then maybe we could get something to work.

Honestly, I wouldn’t know where to begin, but if someone would be willing to help me, I don’t see why not!

I think what would be best is just doing it once, so that we can access all the content, but we move forward as a separate website, what do you think of that?

What if we did it JUST ONCE?

We just need the content that’s already on there to massively improve things, we don’t need a computer constantly running updating the content, we really just need it over here once to match reddit, then we can replace it.

Yeah, it should definitely be done by a community, that would absolutely make things make sense, we need a bot that automatically scrapes and posts.

The biggest thing stopping people from using lemmy seems to be content missing, if we can overcome that we’d change the game.

I’d be willing to donate money to such a project. How much storage could it really take, it’s almost all text, the images are usually hyperlinks that could stay links.

could we mirror reddit?
What's stopping us from using the api to post all of reddit here in a massive one-time merger? Obviously the Lemmy devs would have to do it, but would there be legal issues? I think it would solve most of the problems with Lemmy, really.

We really just need one massive instance that’s akin to what matrix did with matrix.org

Mozilla please!!