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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


So the word of one guy who works at a single fire station and speculates about what’ll happen in the future is supposed to be treated as gospel for the entire state?

“Pitched to voters?” It was a measure put on the ballot and passed by voters. Why are you referring to it as if this is something the legislature passed on their own and then bungled?

Yeah this echoes Walgreens claiming they’re closing stores due to crime and then later admitting that wasn’t true. Companies don’t want to publicly announce that they aren’t doing well. Much better to blame everything on the poors.

So conservatives wouldn’t hand out a bunch of taxpayer money to shady businesses? Funny because the US justice department is currently investigating hundreds of companies for fraud related to the nearly a trillion dollars of PPP grants handed out under the previous conservative administration who went as far as blocking investigators from scrutinizing any of these handouts. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/06/15/inspector-general-oversight-mnuchin-cares-act/