• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023

Morning [haar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haar_(fog)) was leaving the dandelion clocks covered in dew the other day. Probably should have bumped up the ISO so I could have a faster shutter and tighter aperture. Ricoh GRIIIx F4.5 1/30 ISO100

It’s tricky to get the saturation right for every viewer. Looks pretty accurate on my screen.

Scotland - Central Belt.

Helped that this patch of the garden gets full sun for most of the day so I could stop down plenty.

I wish I had time to dedicate to bee ID!

Almost reflex downvoted, but it’s not your fault.

Since you’re asking for feedback, I would say the background is a little busy for what I would guess your intent is of having a crisp flower shot.

The framing might be improved by simply cropping out the tulip on the right completely.

If you’d been able to swing the camera around to the left a tick, would that have enabled you to not have the trees directly behind the flowers? Even just pushing them to the side of the frame without removing them entirely could have maintained some background interest without having the contrast of the bokeh edges sitting right next to the sharp edges of the in focus flowers.

This might just be my screen, but it’s a bit dark. Flowers generally like to pop a bit more.

Good focus regardless.

First learn the rules, and then learn how to break them

Joining the bees in the garden. Ricoh GRIIIx F5.6 1/200 ISO100

We're getting rid of this shed soon because it was crap when we moved in and could probably come apart next time we have a storm. For now it has "character." Ricoh GRIIIx F5.6 1/200 ISO100