• 1 Post
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2020

Someone should really revamp email
Email is already nicely federated, but I think it's time for a change. Services like protonmail claim to offer encryption between users, but you can't host your own instance. It would be awesome if there was a spec somewhere for a federated email service that defines - email encryption between users - markdown - ~~connection with activity pub? (What would this look like)~~ I mean some way to "email the web", ie: add comments via email - compatibility with standard email users (if you send/receive to/from a user who does not have email v2 implemented it just uses normal features) - somehow better support for email discussion groups (hop in and out, public interface defined) - this spec should be focused heavily on usage for humans instead of automated mailing, I expect html would not be defined. I'm just spit balling here. Does anyone have any ideas? Does something like this exist? Thanks, Evan